Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Genesis 14 HS Youth Group Recap (Feb. 21)

Last Sunday night may have been my favorite night of high school ministry ever!

We were studying Genesis 14 where Abram has to bail his nephew Lot out of slavery.

We also met Melchizedek who we saw as the most clear picture of Jesus in the Old Testament and we looked at 5 different ways Melchizedek was a picture of Jesus:

1. He was the king of Jerusalem...God's city
2. He has no genealogy and he is called eternal in Hebrews 7:3
3.He was called an eternal priest before God initiated the priesthood (Christ is also called our High Priest in Hebrews)
4.He came with bread and wine - a picture of communion and Christ's body and blood
5.Abram gave 1/10 of all he had to him (tithing)

We spent the majority of the night looking at Abram's relationship with his non-believing friends who came with him to rescue Lot (Mamre, Aner, and Eschol)

We learned 3 things from his interactions with those men:

1. Abram was a good friend and neighbor - i mean you don't go to battle to rescue the nephew of a guy you dont like right?
2. Abram stood for righteousness in the midst of his unbelieving friends. (He did the influencing)
3. Abram was more concerned with showing his love for God to his friends than governing their morality.

I think so often we as believers are more concerned with making our unsaved family or friends act like a "good Christian" rather than helping them understand their need for Jesus in their life. We can get so hung up on the externals and lose sight of the big picture!

Discussion Question: Why is focusing on a non-believers actions rather than heart a recipe for failure?

All that being said it was a great night and look forward to getting back at it next Sunday


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