Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I am reading!

I know all of you are obviously dying to know what I spend my free time reading so I thought I would enlighten all of you :) Kidding aside here are 3 books that I have read or am in the process of working through that are challenging me and I would recommend to anyone. So here they are with a quick synopsis by each.

Just Read: Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears

I absolutely loved the book! Most simply put, it is a book about what a Biblical church should look like. It goes into issues from doctrine, to roles of leadership, to how to best mobilize the body for ministry, to even how to best use technology to enrich the church. Mark Driscoll is my favorite author and I really appreciated his latest work. I am very excited to see how God is going to use what I have learned from Vintage Church in the future!

Reading: Religion Saves + Nine other Misconceptions by Mark Driscoll

I just started digging into this book. The purpose of this book is to look at 9 major issues that are debated by people in the church and look how we can handle these issues from a Biblical perspective. In some ways this book was born out of frustration because so often people hold to firm beliefs on issues and fight to the death with others about things the Bible doesn't outline for us (i.e. dating). This often leads to division and fundamentalism(legalistically holding on to rules outside of scripture), both of which don't please God and are extremely dangerous for the church.

In this book Pastor Mark looks at 9 of these issues and I am looking forward to seeing how he unpacks touchy issues such as birth control, dating, grace, humor, and faith and works!

On Deck: Christless Christianity by Michael Horton

Christless Christianity is going to be the most theologically meaty of the 3 and also the one I am the most excited about reading. Horton's thesis for the book is that the "American Church" has replaced Jesus Christ as its head and in its place has put what he calls "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism". What this means is that churches have assumed that people know the gospel and what Jesus Christ has done, so instead of preaching the gospel the church focuses on how Christians can have a successful life..."our best life now". Rather than focusing on Christ as the focal point of the gospel we become the gospel and Christianity becomes all about making me happy, peaceful, and enlightened. This is a false gospel and pastors need to be constantly be preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ for in it and it alone lies salvation.

Horton looks at how this epidemic is playing out in the church and how we can combat this movement...needless to say I am pumped about this book!

have a good day!



  1. Looking at all angles can only strengthen what the Bible really teaches.

  2. I really want to read the Religion Saves book. I heard it was fantastic. Be sure to save it. ;-) For some reason, I don't get the time I want to read... I'm hoping that will change. And when it does, you will be my authority on the latest and greatest reads in theology.

  3. sounds like a plan Chris, Mary and I are pumped to see you and your bride in a few weeks!
