Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why I Struggle to Engage Myself in Politics

I feel like this one needs to start with a disclaimer so here it is: This is my opinion on where I am at regarding the political arena after years of prayer and thoughtful consideration.  This is by no means a statement claiming that you have to agree with me or that my way is best, and if politics are your passion it doesn't mean we cant be great friends and get along!

Ok, now that's behind us I just want to lay out a few reasons why I struggle to engage myself in the political hoopla as we enter the "crazy season" leading to us as a country voting on who will serve us in the office of President of the United States.

1.  I believe God is sovereign.  

Let me make myself clear, I will vote and I take my responsibility seriously, I am not saying "God's in control so therefore we can be lazy."  But what I am saying is that my faith is ultimately in God's sovereignty not some political candidate.  Proverbs 21:1 says "The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will."  I sleep really easy resting in this truth!

2. I Believe the System is Broken

The fact that in order to have a real shot at winning the presidential election you need to be from 1 of 2 parties points to the fact that we have a broken system.  We get 2 ideologies continually shoved down our throat and we are forced to choose one or the other if we want to really have our vote matter.  More options would be nice!

3. I am SOOO Out on People Being Jerks!

Why cant I watch people discuss the issues without name-calling, belittlement, and extreme arrogance?  When did watching a political discussion turn into a promotion for the WWE??  It is easy to make critical statements of someone you have never met to make a point, it is difficult to engage someone and make a difference in the life of somebody you know and care about.  I want to be about making a difference!

4. We are Called to Win People to Christ, Not Governments!

I am always uncomfortable defining myself by a political party but working in the church, I interact predominantly with Republicans and social conservatives and I have heard this argument made more than once "We are a Christian nation founded on Biblical principles and we need to return to our roots!" Here is my response: "Who in your life are you sharing the good news of Jesus with right now?"  If you want to play the "Christian nation" card and you are too selfish and too much of a coward to be sharing Jesus with others (THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS IN THE WORLD), that is called being a hypocrite.  Jesus said very clearly in Matthew 28 to "go and make disciples" I don't believe he said "go and vote conservative."  Now, before you get angry please know that voting conservatively is not wrong at all and I would be pumped if a Godly Christian leader was voted in as president, but if you view your voting record as the test to your faithfulness of fulfilling the great commission, you are sorely mistaken! 

5. I am a Single-Issue Voter.

I am against baby-murder.  I will never vote for anyone who loves and supports baby-murder.  If I met a candidate who I agreed with on every issue exactly and he said to me "oh by the way I am totally for murdering babies" I would not vote for him!  I believe we will stand before God one day and give an account for how we stewarded what God has given to us, I will not be held accountable for our country's deficit, but I do believe I will be held accountable regarding whether or not I fought for the innocent and the helpless.  God's Word clearly says "do justly and love mercy."  And I COULD NEVER with a clear conscience, knowing Jesus and how he loved, vote for someone who was supportive of baby-murder.  And I have yet to hear a compelling counter-argument!

So maybe I am a simpleton and a boring voter...I am very comfortable with that!

PS.  Don't expect any sermons on "Who Christians Should Vote For" anytime soon from me! ;) 

you are loved,



  1. I agree with you Cal, all the rhetoric, bantering back and forth, slamming one another and talk of balanced or unbalanced budgets can get very old very fast. But anyone who is pro abortion should never be placed in the high office of President. Bottom line, period!!!!

  2. I've been forced into a political area and... it's not a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing 5 simple points. I like simple. And I needed that reminder that my "fishing" is more important than the last debate.
